Wednesday 15 December 2010

Steve Bell

One of the main influences towards my inclusion of the theme of the economy and current disastrous financial situation caused by the current 'greedy' bankers and the errors of the government both in contemporary times and the era of Margaret Thatcher when ska music was near it's peak popularity, is the cartoonist for the Guardian newspaper, Steve Bell.

He is renowned for his particularly left-wing views regarding politics and his very distinctive caricatures often featuring politicians. It was upon researching into his cartoons that i realised he could be a good inspiration towards the economic theme of our video as well as being a perfect reference in terms of my digipak, as on the fourth panel i have used a picture of a news board reading 'MONEY GRABBING BANKERS' which can be a direct reference to Steve Bell and his works in the guardian, such as this cartoon below which is playing on the idea that Barrack Obama was needed as a 'shovel' to dig Gordon Brown out of Labor's situation.

This can be used as a direct link to the shot in our own video, where we have used a close-up of some urban graffiti making a reference to the errors being made by the government, whilst also using some word play on the phrase 'War on Terror'.