Tuesday 25 January 2011

Final chosen actors


After choosing Izzy as a potential character in the pre-shooting phase of the coursework process, we soon enough decided that she is a more than appropriate person to be starring in our video as the lead singer of the band. As mentioned in previous posts, she also made an appearance in our AS thriller production so is very familiar with both ourselves as a group, and of the requirements of the shooting process, and having proved to have great commitment to helping us out, as well as decent acting capabilities she seemed to be a perfect candidate. She also has an interest in the two-tone ska genre herself so enjoyed the production, and was able to be easily dressed in our chosen costume with the help of her own clothing and props!


Andy was initially only intending to play small background and close-up instrumental roles as he was a convenient choice being a member of the production group. This meant that he was readily available to act in small roles on demand as well as contributing to the shooting, directing and editing. However, after a few practice shots using the guitar and ‘skanking’ there was a unanimous decision for him to feature more in the video, as the guitarist.


Harley was a late addition to the group, joining at the beginning of the school year after members from his initial group decided against taking up media to an A2 level at the last minute. Despite this, he only missed small amounts of shooting during the summer and caught up quickly to grasp the idea, and will feature in a very small role in the video as the drummer. We knew upon joining the group that he was musically able, and his ability to play the drums competently means that he was an ideal choice to play this role to make the synching from visuals of the drumming to recorded soundtrack believable when piecing them together in the editing.


Jack, like Izzy, was initially recruited in the pre-shooting stages and the intention was to feature him prominently in the video as the actor of the male voice of the band. He attended our first shoot at Anglia Square and was happy to be involved, and also had the ideal look that we were looking to achieve. Being an avid ska fan, he wore his own two-tone style suit as well as a trilby, ad pulled off the role of a band member effectively. However, it soon became evident that because of clashing school timetables, lack of mutual free time to meet for shoots, and living distance, he would be a difficult character to sustain in such an important role. Because of this, we plan to still include him in the video as he is perfectly fitting of the ska genre, but drop him from the important role of acting lead singer.


Because of my involvement in our group, I was put forward also to play small roles in the video for convenience (being that I would be readily available to shoot whenever needed). Lack of commitment would neither have been an issue, as because it is jointly my own project I want to be available at all times and would be willing to go out of my way to shoot as I want to achieve as high a grade as possible! I will feature in a small role as the trumpet player of the band, appearing in only one or two performance shots maximum, and will be dressed up in ska styled costume to upkeep with the look of the rest of the cast for the desired iconography of the video.

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