Saturday 4 September 2010

Initial location and costume ideas photoshoot

Over the holidays, with the help of a couple of our friends and potential actors (Jack and Izzy), our group went roaming the suburbs of norwich, namely the Anglia Square area, for possible location ideas for our video whilst bravely fashioning a few simple costume ideas. These are a small selection of the snaps we collected.

Attempting the 'Madness Walk' as seen in Madness' video 'One Step Beyond'! We thought this dance to be very appropriate as it is a perfect fit to the ska genre we are researching and is also an example of intertextual reference by referring to the fact that it use used in many madness music videos.

We unanimously agreed that the urban background was iconic of the ska/punk era that we are covering, and hence fits the genre well. The extensive amount of graffiti also merges nicely into the genre.

In terms of costume on the day, we experimented with some iconic army surplus boots, large shirts, braces, trilby hats and smart/casual suits. The styles are iconic of the genre and hold an uncanny likeness to those used by the characters in both the film and tv series 'This is England/'86' directed by Shaun Meadows. This being one of the media products we took ideas and inspiration from. The boots, braces and shirts are extremely similar dress.


  1. Ben more research into texts that have informed your ideas so that you can discuss the purpose of these valuable intertextual references.

    Email me for advice....Ms B

  2. Think about googling Norman Wisdom a famous British comic and any clips from Carry on Films to enrich your ideas and research. The famous Ken Loach film Kes is another film which is worth having a look at - clips of the famous school football match on youtube.

  3. Ben planning remains incomplete - specifically your story boards!!! Could you please post all outstanding planning of your music video onto your blog without delay. If you are having any problems please email me.
