Saturday 4 September 2010

Potential Actors!

Friends, Jack Sauverin and Isobel Bailey (whom played the female character in our group's AS thriller production) kindly gave up their time over the holidays to come location hunting, and to get some pictures and small pieces of filming in costume for our early footage.

Jack is a large enthusiast of the whole Ska Punk genre and greatly enjoys the music, so would be brilliant to have as part of our cast! Izzy is also interested in the genre, and has a great eye for fashion so would also be an important asset! She is pole position to be playing the role of the woman in our video who is the main, stereotypical 'money grabbing' female. This idea was brought about obviously by the song title itself and lyrics including 'money grabber'.

1 comment:

  1. Great mug shots and sound explanation. If there are more performers in the music video then you need to post these onto your blog.
