Wednesday 13 October 2010

Early Storyboards

These are the early storyboards i have created to show our ideas of some of the main shots that will feature in our video. Due to the fact that we a planning to make the video predominantly concept-based, we do not yet at this stage know the exact orders in which we want the shots to feature, so the shots on these storyboards are in no particular order. We plan to feature them all in a fast-edited montage style, in an order that fits the pace of the track, and fits the lyrics at that particular time.

We plan to feature a variety of performance shots, including close-ups of our actors in role as the band. The first page of storyboards shows a selection of ideas we intend to include.

As well as the performance, we will shoot a stop motion piece of footage consisting of monopoly money that note by note spells out the title of the song, moneygrabber! We will drop the monopoly money onto an umbrella being held by one of our actors as an ironic metaphor to present how money to the youth of the ska genre is scarce, yet they don't care, implying it might as well be as readily-available as rain.

We will also feature signifying shots of the ska genre with a varied array of close-ups, tilt shots and low angles of shops that would be of great appeal and relevance to these particular youth, such as Norwich's 'Soundclash' music store.

A continuous cutting mix of low angle shots of the actors, paired with point-of-view shots of them walking through the streets of Norwich will be fitting of the urban scene with which ska youth are so familiar, whilst giving the impression that they are walking by showing the footage from their perspective.


  1. I like your story boards. You also need to add to your planning a post evaluating the casting of your performers (with mugshots) , costume, location shots etc.

    Keep at your research, the biopic "Sex Drugs and Rock'n Roll" about Ian Dury would reap fruitful rewards.

  2. To add to your post, you remain behind with your planning. This could be a reason for you not shooting enough material in the first stages of the construction of your music video!!!
