Thursday 14 October 2010

Monopoly stop motion idea

In our video we are going to include a short stop motion animation featuring monopoly money. We are going to use a continuous film method by taking second-long shots of individual notes being placed on top of one another one by one, and then transfer these onto the editing software to play at one after the other at high speed to make it appear as though they are appearing quickly on their own, one by one. The monopoly notes will be placed such that they will then spell out the words 'money' and 'grabber'. The stop motion effect will make the letters appear at a fast rate, one at a time, to then be coupled with the chorus of the song where the lyrics are 'moneygrabber' so that the word is being spelt out as the lead singer is pronouncing the word. We felt this would be quite a cool and interesting idea to make our video more quirky and appealing, whilst fitting in with the fast-paced mood of the track itself, and connoting the speedy lifestyles of ska youth, linking well with the genre.

These are a few shots of our practice run in one of our media lessons, where we experimented with the idea of stop motion by playing around with various arrangements of the money to see how to best form the letters. We captured the footage onto tape and will possibly use the animation in our final video.

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