Thursday 14 October 2010

Stop motion inspiration

We came across this video on Youtube, which sparked our initial ideas into the possibility of a stop motion animation. We felt that the irony of using monopoly money to portray the economic and political climate at the time ska was at one of it's peaks of popularity in such a way was just too fun and good an idea to pass up!

Still photos are taken of the monopoly pieces/money, and are then moved very gradually differently between each still, with the camera remaining in precisely the same position each time (or the process wouldn't work at all!). These stills are then pieced together to form a motion animation where it appears as though the pieces are moving by themselves. The higher the frame rate in stop motions (the more frames on screen per second), the more smooth the animation will appear. This however is not applicable to our own idea as we are moving each note piece by piece rather than over distance, so it would not be possible to make it appear smooth in such a way as this video does.

Having each watched this video we felt that the inclusion of a short stop motion feature could be a brilliant addition to our video, adding a different, quirky element! We then proceeded to experiment with our own monopoly set (Norwich edition for extra detail!), from which our pictures with an explanation are on the previous post.

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